Thursday 13 March 2008

Extra Feedback

As a class we decided to do some extra feedback within the class. This feedback was alot more useful then what received the other day.

Settings - It was good because the class was unable to tell we had used a college location.

Camera Work - The shots of Stu following Samie worked well. Also the close-up of Samie picking up a brick. This worked really well.

Editing - Good use of black and white, steady pace, flowed well, however went Samie turned round and smile ruined the effect.

Titles - Simple and effective, however the last title had no impact on the audience.

Soundtrack - (Mike =]) Some said the music was slightly over the top but was good in places.
But as a group we think he done rather well on the soundtrack.

That is the end of that =]

Monday 10 March 2008

Feedback From another class

Another class came in to watch our thriller, the feedback we got was,

Question 1 Does it look like an thriller opening?

Answer = Yes it does it worked really well.

Question 2 What were our strengths and weakness?

Answer = strengths were a vary of shots and angels and the plot is clear. Weakness were some shots lasted to long and the acting.

Question 3 Does it appear to be repetitive?

Answer = Yes in some places

Question 4 What do you think of our titles?

Answer = they were to fast and couldn't be read.

Question 5 does the change from black and white to color work well?

Answer = At times, works well in the forest.

Question 6 How would you improve it?

Answer = Some shots shorter, no more than 3 long shots in a row otherwise very good.

We think that the feedback was mostly positive


Thursday 6 March 2008

editing the good, burning the rest

Today we added more credits to our sequence

We shot more footage but it is unlikely to be used as it is looking oj without but we would like to keep our possibilities open for when we add the music.,

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Monday 3 March 2008


Our silver lining -

It is Monday and with no real footage and our deadline is on Thursday we had to get our act together and sort this out. In the free before this lesson we all met up to re-film everything and see if we could save our project. We filmed alot of our footage in the woods at LongRoad, we changed our storyline but we are going to use some of the footage from the other filming session.

At the moment things are going alot better, however we are going to need to put in alot of work and work alot faster.

So i am not going to spend anymore time wiritng this when there is more important things to do =]

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